Flight Tips

Flight Tips

Take a look these Flight Tips to help your journey run smoothly - brought to you by SkyParkSecure.com

The top pet-friendly airlines in the world

Best Airlines in the World for Pets Revealed

Whether you need to transport your four-legged friend for a big move to another country, or you simply feel your pet deserves to holiday...

How Can I Tell If My Flight Will Be Delayed Before...

Whether you're going somewhere for work, going on holiday with the family, or trying to get back home, flight delays are one of the...

Airport & Airplane Etiquette – What are the Biggest Travel Icks?

Airports and airplanes, while taking us to incredible and mesmerising places, can sometimes stir up a whole batch of travel 'icks' that can leave...
Most irritating air passengers

The 21 People We HATE on Flights

Everyone gets annoyed when they're cooped up in a tin can with hundreds of other people. A lot of the team here at SkyParkSecure...

Hand Luggage Liquid Allowances: The Complete Guide

Confused about the liquid rules when you fly? Want to know what exactly counts as a liquid (does peanut butter count?!), how much you...

Top 5 Ways to Save Space in Your Case

There are ever increasing limitations on the amount of luggage you can take on holiday without incurring additional charges (looking at you, Ryanair). So to help...

5 Best Cabin Bags to Beat the Ryanair Baggage Allowance

Ryanair's new baggage policy means that if you're just taking hand luggage on your flight, it'll have to conform to a very particular set of...

Top 5 Ways to Stay Fresh During Your Flight

Whether your flight's two hours long or 24, no one gets off at the other end feeling as fresh as a daisy. In fact, unless...

5 Airplane Boarding Methods to Speed Up the Process

One of the most frustrating things about travel is all the waiting you have to do. Waiting to check-in, waiting to get through security and...

How Do I Check My Flight Details & Status?

Whether it's bad weather, problems with the airline or just the aircraft refuelling, flight delays happen every day. And in order to avoid a mad...