Health & Wellbeing

Health & Wellbeing

Put your health first when planning your holiday. Discover new ideas and ways to help you maintain a healthy body and mind when travelling.

The top pet-friendly airlines in the world

Best Airlines in the World for Pets Revealed

Whether you need to transport your four-legged friend for a big move to another country, or you simply feel your pet deserves to holiday...

Autism and Flying: Your Guide to Travelling Through UK Airports

Aberdeen Airport Autism Services [youtube] Aberdeen Airport provides additional support for people on the autism spectrum. You can download a visual journey of the airport in...

5 Ways to Fall Asleep on a Plane FAST

So you've woken up at 3am, driven to the airport, parked your car, and boarded the plane. You've never been more exhausted, and all you...

11 Tips for Staying Safe On Your Skiing Holiday

Skiing holidays can be exhilarating, full of fun and an all-around great experience, but it's important to know exactly how to stay safe while...