Blog / Guides / Airport Guides / Manchester Terminal Rd Closed – T1 Meet & Greet Moved

Manchester Terminal Rd Closed – T1 Meet & Greet Moved

If you’ve travelled from Manchester Airport in recent months, you’ll have noticed some preparatory work going on round Terminal Road South.

Well, that work has all come to a head this week as Terminal Road South has now closed permanently.

Fortunately, all those roadworks weren’t for nothing!

They’ve worked hard to ensure that all parts of the airport and terminal are still accessible with just a few changes.

First let’s look at what the area used to look like, courtesy of Google Maps:

Not only can we see all the relevant roads, but the Meet and Greet T1 meeting point is handily marked as well.

Now let’s see how this compares to what you’ll find from now on:

As you can see, Terminal Road South is now shut, but the T1 Meet and Greet entrance has moved closer to Terminal Road North to accommodate this.

Additionally, the former junction that allowed you to turn left only from Terminal Road North to Outwood Lane has been turned into a roundabout, enabling you to make your way to Terminal 1 departures.

Hopefully the changes shouldn’t be too much a shock, but they’re good to know ahead of your flight from Manchester Airport this summer!

For more information on the changes occurring at Manchester Airport, check out this article about Terminal 2’s transformation, also known as the Superterminal!

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